quarta-feira, novembro 11, 2009

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a small boy, a happy boy, a dreamer boy. He lived happily ever after, until he died. Some time ago. Back then, when he met himself and gave up upon his dreams and hopes.

Once upon a time there was a small boy. He is there no more. He died, a little bit every day that went by. He saw himself growing into the monster he feared when he was even smaller... The poor child, affraid of his own ghosts...

Once upon a time there was a small boy, a wonderful boy, that kept smiling everyday, looking for some happiness somewhere. A happiness that he found not. And he felt himself letting go...

Once upon a time, a small boy died... by the sadness of being who he was!

I was that boy... once upon a time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you must be reborn a different boy, capable of not just looking for happiness but of building it himself, of pursuing those dreams yet again.

If that boy, once upon a time, had the creativity to build his dreams, the courage to smile and the ability to hope, he can be happy once again.

I believe in you!

16 novembro, 2009 22:07  

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